Download solarwinds tftp server exe
Download solarwinds tftp server exe

Since TFTP is not as ubiquitous as FTP, setting it up is not quite as simple as installing the Internet Information Services on your Windows 2000 Server. Also, be sure to use TFTP on a server that includes additional security control, such as a Windows 2000 server. It’s a good idea to place such a server behind a firewall. However, because of its inherent insecurity, you must take special care in the design and configuration of a TFTP server.

download solarwinds tftp server exe

TFTP is a very versatile protocol that can be used for a variety of tasks, including backing up network configurations, upgrading code, and remote-booting devices without hard drives. Scott Lowe shows you how to set up both the Cisco and the SolarWinds TFTP servers. When your Cisco router fails and you need to reload the operating system, you'll regret not setting up that TFTP server.

download solarwinds tftp server exe

Cisco and SolarWinds TFTP: How to set up and use these versatile tools

Download solarwinds tftp server exe